Sunday, July 31, 2005

Toils R US Trail

It was my first time in Gus Fruth Park.

With the family in CA, I had the entire morning to ride. I remember laying in bed having a hard time deciding whether I should sleep any extra couple of hours, or go ride...I should have gone back to sleep.

Half way down the hill, I fell (damn clips). I picked myself up, looked down and noticed my finger was pointed sideways, the wrong way like some sick broken twig. I PULLED MY FINGER OUT OF JOINT! My hand was out in front of me and but it was pointing back up at me accusingly: "You should have stayed in bed".

Next, I read somewhere (this was probably completely wrong but it seemed good at the time) that:

1. One should try to yank the appendage back into socket immediately before the pain hits.
2. Putting a appendage back into joint is more painful that dislocating it in the first place.

I pulled and yanked and cursed until I heard "pop". More cursing.

Stuck half down the hill I was committed to finish my ride until I look down and noticed that thing had come out again. I kid you not. My finger had poped out of socket again just in spite. Actutlly, I also read that dislocation occurr pretty easily after the first.

At this point I was done. I walked the bike back up the hill, went home and went back to sleep. That's when the pain started.


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